Oh those wacky Frenchmen. When they’re not fleeing
bad situations in terror, they are off somewhere
making funny little comedies.
A ‘The Closet’ (Le Placard) from writer
director Francis Verber is just that. I
have seen my share of French films and I have got
to hand it to those
Jerry Lewis loving bastards, their movies, whether
you like them or not
usually leave some kind of impact.
I’m told
this movie features a collection of All-Star
French acting talent.
Daniel Auetiel is Pingon, a man so insignificant
and non-descript that
he is barely noticed by anyone.
Even at the condom company where he has
toiled thanklessly as an account manager for
twenty years. He
is divorced from a beautiful woman who could care
less about him, even
though he still pines for her, his seventeen year
son finds him a total
drag, and once he overhears a bathroom
conversation that he will be
soon be released due to redundancy, he’s about
ready to end it
all. However, just
before he’s about
to launch himself from his balcony, Belone, a
kindly old neighbor
played by Michael Aumont comes to save the day
(wise old people always
have a way of popping up at the right time in
movies). Belone
advises Pignon that in these politically correct
times, if he can
convince the company that he is gay, they wouldn’t
dare release
him. Pignon balks at
the suggestion claiming he could never act gay. Belone
counters that if he tries to ‘act’ gay everyone
would see
through him, but if just acts natural, the changes
will be
people’s perceptions of him.
So with
a little help from Photoshop, followed by a few
incriminating photos begin to
circulate through the office, and as Belone
predicted, his job is saved.
But of course
there are complications. Pignon’s
supervisor, played by the unnaturally beautiful
Laroque, correctly believes it’s a clever ploy. A brutish homophobic racist
manager played brilliantly by Gerard DePardieu is
forced to
befriend the guy, even though he
hated him when he thought he straight.
company’s chairman wants him to be the face of the
for the Gay Pride parade, and of course he has to
get gay bashed. All of
these gags, and then some, are all ridiculous, over
the top, and extremely funny. The
subject matter, in less skilled hands, could come
off as insulting and condescending.
Here however, it is handled meticulously and
never offends (but you’d probably have to confirm
this with a gay dude). By
time Pignon comes out of the closet that he was
never in to begin
with, his change as a person is now complete and as
such you want to
stand and applaud the man.
I enjoyed this farciful flick so
much, that I may actually stop eating Freedom fries
and start eating French fries again.
DVD has some trailers and stuff but
no deleted scenes or behind scenes goodness.