Psst. Hey kid!
Yeah, you over there with the $8.50 in your hand. You like to watch pick axes
entering into skulls? Yeah,
you do? Well I got the
movie for you my man, Fox searchlight’s ‘The Hills Have
Eyes’. What’s it
about? Come on man, does that matter?
We’re talking pick axes in skulls here! Alright, alright… peep this. The
guvment was doing all these nuke test back in the day
and needed to
clear the people out the land because apparently nuclear
fallout is
like, bad for you. But
these wacky miners decided they loved their hometown so
much they’d just a soon stay and drink down the acid
rain. Well,
radioactivity plus chromosomes equal deformity where I
come from and
these cats get ALL messed up, know what I’m sayin’? The radioactivity also made
these dudes mad haters too. I
mean they hate anything that looks like, normal. It also makes these cats mean,
violent and hungry for human flesh too.
Radioactivity’s a mother, huh?
But forget that story dog, they spent all of
about 8 seconds on that. Pick
axes in the head dude. That’s
what we’re talking about.
Who’s in it? You joking right? It stars a bunch of cats you
ain’t never heard of and you’ll probably never see
again man. I did
recognize that guy who was in that story about that
thing that was on TV that one time, but that’s about
it. I guess Denzel and
Meryl musta been busy that weekend, know what I’m
sayin’? Who directed it? What are you, some kind of
film school snob? Let’s
just say Ang Lee and Marty Scorcese might have passed
on this one. Can you say
‘Action’ and ‘I need more pick axes’?
Then YOU directed it, alright?
Oh here we go! You
actually wanna know if it’s any good?
Man, you don’t care if this movie is any good. No you don’t!
Don’t give me that mess. I
told your boys a couple a weeks ago that ‘When a
Stranger call’ sucked ass and did ya’ll listen to me? Hell to the naw you didn’t. Went to go see that crap at
at a week one take of 21 million. Yeah, that was you. Then there was Final
Destination 3. Yeah, I
told ya’ll it was a little better than that Stranger
mess, but not by much. And
what did you do? It’s
about to hit 100 mil, guaranteeing more crappy
sequels. Alright man,
get off my back. Like I
said, the story is paper-thin.
Go see the ‘Saving Private Ryan’ if you want
story with your blood splatter.
starts out with some geologist cats getting pick
axed in the back, just
to let you know what kind of ride you’re in for,
then it slows
down so we can setup some implausible situations and
meet our
incredibly stupid naïve suburban family. Even though I’m not one
for horror flicks, they do a pretty good job with
the frights in this one. Tension
is always high, an obviously no one is safe, so they
could go at any time, know what I’m sayin’? They
put these cats through hell, they die horribly, they
fight back…
its all pretty over the top and majorly disturbing,
to tell the truth. Man,
why are you making me do this?
You don’t care how good it is.
Just give the $8.50.
Violent? You
ain’t been listening to a word I’ve been saying have
you? Dude, this flick
pulled a freakin’ NC-17 before they had to whittle
some of that stuff down. And
it wasn’t because of the sex, because there ain’t
none. Dismemberment,
deformed babies, cannibalization, bullets to the
head, dogs chewing
arms, dogs getting eaten, charred carcasses and of
course, pick axes to
the cranium. It’s got
it all. Yeah, I thought
so. Give that 8.50 and
get outta my face. You
know where I’ll be when the next one comes out. Sucker.
Hey you… over there… you with the 8.50. Have I got the movie for