Deniro, Pacino, Brando and now Bradhaw.
That’s NFL hall of Famer, Fox TV broadcaster
Terry Bradshaw my friends. Mr.
proves to be the thespian of life in Paramount Pictures
‘Failure to Launch’, a film starring Matthew McConaughey
that centers around a 35 year old man who still lives with
his parents,
and has no intentions of leaving.
In the pantheon of the genre of
romantic comedies, they are what they are.
Do we have a handsome, easygoing, breezy male lead? McConaughey, John Cusack, Orlando
Bloom… any one will do. Check! Do we have an attractive, slightly
neurotic, tightly wound female lead? Sarah
Jessica Parker, Kate Hudson, Julia Roberts?
Check! Does she have
borderline slutty girl friends? Check! Does HE have well meaning, screwed
up friends who muck everything up only to set it right in the
end? Check!
We now have everything we need to greenlight a rom-com. We’ll worry about a script later.
So, these things being what they are, how does this
one shake out? Mr. Mconaughey was
literally born for these roles, since he does do quite a few
of them. He
seems perpetually tanned, obviously works out a lot, comes
with a disarming country smile, has the whitest teeth this
side of
Lauren Hill and looks like a fun dude to hang out with.
slacker Tripp (with no last name that I know of) he handles
the role so
effortlessly it’s almost as if he didn’t even have to act
it out. Sarah Jessica Parker
plays a woman
hired by Tripp’s parents to be his girlfriend, and thus give
incentive to fly the coop. She
too is perpetually tanned, works a lot and his very white
teeth. However, I’m not quite
sold on her ability as a leading lady, and her performance in
this movie didn’t help. Not
that the character needs much depth, since it is a romantic
comedy and
all, but it didn’t seem as if what little there may have been
effectively brought across by the actress.
More at fault may be the fact the
was grossly underwritten and the fact that they saved all
the good
stuff for Zooey Deschanel (sister of actress Emily
Deschanel. Neither
of these young ladies is anywhere close to being perpetually
who plays her dry witted, pathologically violent, borderline
roommate. What happens next? I
don’t want to give anything away, but she falls for the
client, he
finds out his parents hired her, he gets pissed, she gets
sad, they
split apart, they get back together. Oh
yeah, spoilers. My bad.
between rom-com cliché’s are some very funny over top
moments, mostly involving crazed wildlife and, of course,
Bradshaw. Terry along with
Kathy Bates
plays Tripp’s parents, and you would think having to act
academy winner, and genuine great actress Ms. Bates might be
intimidating for the former football player.
Man, dude has won four Super-Bowls!
You can’t intimidate T.B.! All
aside, Terry Bradshaw is very funny as the beleaguered dad
considering his last movie role was in 1981’s Cannonball
run. I
can understand why it took him 25 years to act in another
So if your girl insist on dragging
you to a romantic comedy, this one ain’t so bad.
And it has Terry Bradshaw in it.
Opinion: I
am not a fan of the “romantic comedy” genre of films. In
recent years, this category of movies has become obsessed
unrealistic romantic expectations for their characters,
and Failure to
Launch falls squarely into this trap. In the aptly-named
Failure, we
have the quintessential slacker named Trip (McConaughey, a
man who still lives at home with his parents, with his
mother a servant
and maid, and his father a coddling punching-bag). But
he’s also
a player, romancing women left and right without
of commitment, and then breaking up with them by setting
them up to be
caught in bed with him by his parents. One of Tripp’s
lines is
“It’ll take a stick of dynamite to get me to move out of
parents’ house”, and so his parents (Bates and Bradshaw)
looking for just that stick of dynamite. And what they
come up with is
the Paula (Parker), the quintessential manipulative
female, except that
this manipulative female manipulates for a living. She is
self-proclaimed relationship expert who makes her living
romancing men
into growing up. Basically, she gets paid to make men fall
in love with
her, and then move out of their parents’ house.
movie is basically about Paula deceiving, manipulating,
and flat-lying to Trip, to cajole him into moving out of his
parents’ house. Paula is using him to make a quick buck, but
secretly she’s falling for him too. Meanwhile, Trip
continues his
playa-ways, setting Paula up for the big break-up scene in
parents’ house.
me get this straight: are we really supposed to be rooting
for these
two pathetic, false, fake, and fraudulent individuals to get
Now that we know that Trip is a useless turd-of-a-man, are
we really
supposed to hope that he ends up happy? And now that we know
that Paula
is a manipulative bitch, do we really think that Trip would
be better
off getting together with her? Man,
only the most helplessly-romantic individual would go for
this. Oh,
and all of them take the higher moral ground, but their
excuse-making makes it even more frustrating. The only
rewarding scenes
involving Trip are the ones where he is involved in
accidents: it seems
that Trip gets bit by chuckling critters … a lot, and in
Caddyshack-like ways, which are pretty funny if you like
that sort of
thing. But that’s hardly the basis for a romantic comedy.
but there is actually a viable romantic-comedic relationship
in the
movie, it’s just not the one between Trip and Paula. But
Paula’s roommate Kit (Zooey Deschanel) gets together with
Trip’s buddy Ace (Justin Bartha). Kit is an interesting
character: a dominating personality who finds herself alone,
except for
a mockingbird. She mutters to herself, and mocks the film as
an aside,
and the script rewards her with a romantic subplot.
is one very pleasant surprise in Failure: it actually has
terrifically-funny moments, and most of these moments come
from the
supporting characters. Zooey’s Kit character, or Trip’s
frequently-nude father Terry Bradshaw are both extremely
funny, without
being over-the-top. Whenever the ancillary characters are on
the movie’s good for a laugh. And thank goodness for that,
because there’s not much else in this movie to be enjoyed.